Foot, Knee, Hips, Pelvis, Spine, Posture Brain

When you read the subject you are probably wondering how this all connects. Many patients initially present for Chiropractic care with pain often in one area of the body or another. .


Chiropractor and patients run for the kids

Once again this year, we (Back In Line Chiropractic) fielded a team of patients and friends to do Run for the Kids. Having taken part in the event last year, I decided it was a great event and a worthy cause. .


Chiropractic contour pillows

We sleep at least 6-8 hours per night on average and that could equate to a third or more of some peoples lives. Sleeping with the correct support is imperative. Many people ask what the correct support is. Well you best be sleeping on your back or side. .


You have got to stretch to grow

The last 6 months have been a strong reminder of a life principle that could be easily forgotten. Never stay in too much of a comfort zone. This applies to life, health, love, business, friendships, or just about anything. Taking a huge next step in expanding the office with another Chiropractor recently, .


Pop stars and your average Jo Blo – Drugs and Chemicals take lives too early

A few days ago, Whitney Houston was found dead in a bath supposedly from either incorrect drug mixing or misuse. .


Djokovic with no gluten goes from good to great

Tennis has captured many people's attention over the past few weeks, especially here in Melbourne. I remember watching Novak Djokovic a few years ago. .


How does your workplace health and wellbeing stack up?

Every day in practice, we see people coming in to our office wanting to not only get well but also stay well. Some of the critical questions we ask clients, are the simplest of things that we could ask ourselves. .

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If you or someone you know is suffering from some health issues and they are looking at taking a natural approach to managing these issues, then our practice may be the right place.
We also offer a range of supportive health and nutrition products, and workplace health services.

    Book an appointment

    Call us now on (03) 9696 8822 or use our online booking system.

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