Melbourne Sports Chiropractors

Melbourne Sports Chiropractors

Chiropractic care has helped bring many famous athletes back to sport after being injured. In fact many professional athletes use chiropractic not only for injury management and prevention, but also for performance enhancement. Back In Line Chiropractic has also assisted many athletes in these areas.

Chiropractic care may help restore the normal function to joints, nerves and muscles that are not functioning properly, and in effect may also help relieve pain and inflammation. With experience and post-graduate qualifications in sports injury and performance management, we will not only try to help you through your injuries but we hope to assist you in achieving your sporting goals.

In the past, sports injuries were mostly limited to professional athletes, young people participating in school sports programs, and men participating in weekend activities. However more and more people of all ages and genders are doing regular sports and fitness activities. There are even women now doing traditional men’s sports such as soccer, basketball and rugby. However the majority of people are involved in such activities as golf, tennis, running and activities such as aerobic classes or weight training. No matter what activity one does, there is always the risk of injury. Injury can be broken down into two basic types, one from trauma such as a slip, fall or collision and the other being of the over-use or repetitive stress variety.

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If you or someone you know is suffering from some health issues and they are looking at taking a natural approach to managing these issues, then our practice may be the right place.
We also offer a range of supportive health and nutrition products, and workplace health services.

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    Call us on (03) 9696 8822 or book online.

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