Djokovic with no gluten goes from good to great

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Tennis has captured many people’s attention over the past few weeks, especially here in Melbourne. I remember watching Novak Djokovic a few years ago. He was a rising star with amazing talent at such a young age. During his early years of becoming a top 50 ranked player, he withdrew from games and also went off the court during a game due to stomach cramps and pain. Many spectators at the time thought it was all a joke or an excuse when he was having a tough time against his opponent.

Soon after, in 2009, he started a Gluten Free diet and this was when he went from “Good to Great”. The question will often be asked “Did you reach such high performance levels as a result of your gluten free diet”? Novak often claims it has had such a substantial impact in his quest for being Tennis’s number 1.

Regardless of whether some people think it’s a coincidence or not, I feel that if you suffer digestive issues and cramps and are not sure what it may be especially after having them fully investigated, a good start would be eliminate a food type for 2 weeks and monitor the impact on your health and quality of life. Many people I have spoken to have been unbelievably surprised with the results after going through this guided process.

For more info about Novak Djokovic’s health story, read this article

Feel free to discuss this with us at your next visit to our office. Call (03)9696-8822

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