Do you Check-in or Check-out?

You might have taken off for a few days or a few weeks over the holiday season away from work. Taking a break is more than just having fun and relaxing. When you mentally check-out from your regular routine and activity, your nerve system, especially the brain changes it’s mode of function and often is able to allow the bodies systems physiology to repair and recover from stress. Also, a part of your sub-conscious is allowed to process ideas, creativity and planning that are usually not as easy when you are amidst life’s routines.

Here are a few ideas around planning holidays and breaks:
1. Plan your next time away (regardless of the length) while you are on a break/holiday.
2. No need to take all your break time/leave all in one go. Understand what type of person or family you are and if required break it up over a year. Typically 4 to 6 weeks per year is a guide.
3. try and plan your breaks one year ahead if possible.
4. Looking forward and working toward something is very valuable.
5. Try limit technology while away. (SMS, Email and Calls)
6. Avoid extensive listening or watching of the news. It’s usually negative and wires your nerve system.
7. Include exercise and healthy food choices during your holiday.
8. Take time out each day to do deep breathing or meditation.
9. Get your nerve system checked and adjusted by your Chiropractor before going away.
10. Reflect of where you are and where you wish to go with your life.

If you have other ideas, please share some on our facebook page.

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