Stay Well – Stay Chemical Free

Did you know that Australia has very low standards when it comes to our consumable products? In fact, as a country we have only banned approximately a dozen toxic ingredients from personal care products like deodorant, shampoo, body wash and cosmetics. In places of the world like Europe, there are in excess of 1000 toxic ingredients banned!

These ingredients include hormone-disrupters and carcinogens.  A whole host of things that you wouldn’t dream of eating but happily cover your body in from head to toe every day. Our skin is our largest detoxifying organ and absorbs just about everything we put on it. In fact, most chemicals are absorbed through our skin and into our blood stream so quickly that they reach all of our major organs in just 26 seconds!

Cosmetics and personal care products are some of the most common products that we use daily that often contain these nasties. It is so important to read the labels and avoid these toxic ingredients that we are literally covering ourselves in every day. From soap, shampoo, moisturiser and baby care products.  Make sure your products are clean.

This is also something to be aware of when using cleaning products in your home. You need to be wary not only of what’s getting on your skin but also what you’re inhaling. If you can smell something, it means that tiny little particles of that ‘thing’ are in your nose and are being absorbed through your noses soft membranes, directly into your blood stream. If you’ve ever used products like Domestos or Exit Mould you’ll know what we’re talking about!

If you’re an avid gardener or like to spend time in the park watch out for this stuff! Glyphosate, better known as ROUNDUP, is one of the world’s most common herbicides. It’s the active ingredient in popular weed-control products including Roundup, Rodeo, and Pondmaster. Avoid using it on your garden and watch out for signs in your local parks saying it has been used. Keep yourself, your children and your pets away from it. Also be aware that many farmers use it during food production so you may also be exposed to glyphosate in your food, so wash those fruits and veggies or better still… go organic!

Lastly and probably most obviously is artificial colours, flavours and preservatives in our foods. If there are numbers on the back of the pack, ditch it! Better still just eat real food, not processed.

Stay Well, Stay Chemical Free!

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